Now - as the expected chairmen of the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform and the House Judiciary Committee, respectively - [Reps. Darrell Issa (R-CA) and Lamar Smith (R-TX) are] the proud new holders of subpoena power, will have a much more robust unit of investigators and will likely be a huge thorn in the side of President Obama and his top cabinet members.Yeah, umm, with 9.7% unemployment, I don't think a replay of the psycho-drama of the 1990s is exactly what the American people had in mind when they returned these imbeciles to power in the House of Representatives.
Issa already laid out his agenda... He told reporters in a conference call in the wee hours of Wednesday morning that his responsibility was "very broad...I have a lot of questions that have not been answered," he said.
04 November 2010
These Goons Can't Be Taken Seriously
It seems at least two House Republicans have laid out their agenda for the next two years: