The first two questions from AP and NBC really bug me. They wanted to know if, as a result of Tuesday's elections, the President was second-guessing any of his policies these last two years. That would be a legitimate question had the Republicans offered any counter proposals. But they didn't. All we got was "no." Oh, and a budget WITH NO NUMBERS IN IT! The President was the only person stepping up to the plate to tackle the economic emergency. And when asked during this year's campaign what the Republicans would propose if they took control of congress, how did they answer? "We'll answer questions after the election" and some discombobulated bullshit about the "founding fathers" and the Constitution.
President Obama has been the only grown-up at the table for the last two years. If the new House majority is to be taken seriously, they'd better "man up." The press, too, for that matter.
Yesterday's press conference, in full...