04 November 2010

These Goons Can't Be Taken Seriously

It seems at least two House Republicans have laid out their agenda for the next two years:
Now - as the expected chairmen of the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform and the House Judiciary Committee, respectively - [Reps. Darrell Issa (R-CA) and Lamar Smith (R-TX) are] the proud new holders of subpoena power, will have a much more robust unit of investigators and will likely be a huge thorn in the side of President Obama and his top cabinet members.

Issa already laid out his agenda... He told reporters in a conference call in the wee hours of Wednesday morning that his responsibility was "very broad...I have a lot of questions that have not been answered," he said.
Yeah, umm, with 9.7% unemployment, I don't think a replay of the psycho-drama of the 1990s is exactly what the American people had in mind when they returned these imbeciles to power in the House of Representatives.