18 November 2010

Murkowski in Alaska

I must say, despite my absolute disdain for the Republican Party these past two years, if I were a resident of Alaska, I would have cast a write-in vote for Lisa Murkowski earlier this month. The Democratic candidate wasn't going to win, and the reality of a victory by Joe Miller, the thug who was the official Republican nominee, was too scary to imagine. I would have held my nose and cast a write-in vote for the incumbent (who lost the Republican Senate primary to the Sarah Palin-backed Miller).

Don't get me wrong, Murkowski was always on the right-wing end of the constant filibusters that permeated the Senate in the last congress, and her views on policies near and dear to me are the polar opposite of mine. But in a close race, having her in the Senate is way preferable to a Fascist like Joe Miller.

Apparently the voters of Alaska agreed with me. The vote count if finalized, and Sen. Murkowski won her write-in campaign handily.