27 October 2010

Santorum of the Day

A segment from the old blog that will continue here: "Santorum of the Day" will serve as an "idiot of the day" of sorts, highlighting fascist fuckheads from around the globe and the idiotic things they do or say.

Named for the former fascist senator from Pennsylvania, here is the working definition of the word, as coined by Dan Savage:

santorum (san-TOR-um), noun, 1. The frothy mix of lube and fecal matter that is sometimes the byproduct of anal sex. 2. Senator Rick Santorum.
It won't be a daily feature, but I'll use the segment every now and then to call someone out as particularly disgusting and vile.

Today's Santorum:  Sharon Angle, Nevada's tea-bagging fascist candidate for the U.S. Senate...

Update:  Joy Behar has had it with the crazy bitch!